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Stephen King’s The Mist is Coming to Television

By April 19, 2017Literature, Television

Coming to a television near you… The creepy tale ‘The Mist’, was first published in Stephen King’s 1980 horror anthology Dark Forces.

From The Mist website:

“Based on a story by Stephen King, Spike’s “The Mist” centres around a small town family that is torn apart by a brutal crime. As they deal with the fallout an eerie mist rolls in, suddenly cutting them off from the rest of the world, and in some cases, each other. Family, friends and adversaries become strange bedfellows, battling the mysterious mist and its threats, fighting to maintain morality and sanity as the rules of society break down.”

The show premieres on June 22nd on the TV network ‘Spike’ (owned by Viacom), and will star Alyssa Sutherland, Morgan Spector and Frances Conroy.

Watch the trailer below and let us know what you think!

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