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A Taste of Havana: 5 Books about Cuba

By November 28, 2016February 15th, 2018Discussion and Recommendations

We’ve been hearing a lot about Cuba in the news over the last few years and after many years of communist rule the country is somewhat a mystery to many. If you’re curious to find out more about the country, there’s a stack of literature set in Cuba, or about Cuba and today we’re going to recommend some great books.

Whether you’re planning an actual holiday to Cuba or whether you just want to sit back, read and immerse yourself in Cuban culture, these are the books we most recommend.

Dirty Havana Trilogy – Pedro Juan Gutierrez

This gritty novel set in 1990s Cuba follows the story of Pedro Juan, a journalist who has fallen out of love with Castro’s regime. Dark, dejected and squalid, this novel highlights the darker side of Cuban culture.

Dirty Havana Trilogy US
Dirty Havana Trilogy UK

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Havana Red – Leonardo Padura

Havana Red is the first of the Mario Conde mysteries and is set in Cuba in the late 1980s, unveiling a dark, turbulent world against the backdrop of the Cuban capital, Havana.

Havana Red US
Havana Red UK

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The Whole Island – Mark Weiss

The Whole Island is a poetry collection, collecting six decades of Cuban poetry and is edited by Mark Weiss. Full of rich poetry and beautiful descriptions of Cuba, it’s people, and its culture, this is a great way to immerse yourself in Cuban life.

The Whole Island US
The Whole Island UK

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Cuba: What Everyone Needs to Know – Julia Sweig

If you’re looking for a non-fiction overview of life in Cuba then Cuba: What Everyone Needs to Know is informative easy reading.

Cuba: What Everyone Needs to Know US
Cuba: What Everyone Needs to Know UK

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On Becoming Cuban: Identity, Nationality and Culture: Louis A. Perez Jr

On Becoming Cuban is a fantastic, non-fiction look at the inextricable relationship between the US and Cuba.

On Becoming Cuban US
On Becoming Cuban UK

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So there we have it, whether you’re looking for fiction or non-fiction there are our best reads about Cuba, the people and life in the country.

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