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The Bestselling Books of the Last One Hundred Years: 1957

We started at 1918, bringing you the bestselling books of the last one hundred years. We’re moving along now and we’re already into the middle of the twentieth century but there’s still a long way to go.

We’re covering each year at a time and we’re more than half way through the 1950s now as we cover 1957 today!

1957 saw the Soviet Union launch its first satellite with Sputnik 1, Rock n Roll rocked the US and travelled around the world, in the US troops were sent to Arkansas to enforce anti-segregation laws, and the first plastic frisbees hit the shelves. The year also saw the Asia flu pandemic claim 150,000 lives, and the European Economic Community  (EEC) was also formed.

Among all that, there were plenty of books published and read too, and today we’re featuring the bestselling novels of 1957, and some that didn’t make the list but have stood the test of time.

By Love Possessed – James Gould Cozzens


Peyton Place – Grace Metalious


Compulsion – Meyer Levin


Rally Round the Flag, Boys – Max Shulman


Blue Camellia – Frances Parkinson Keyes


Eloise in Paris – Kay Thompson


The Scapegoat – Daphne du Maurier


On the Beach – Nevil Shute


Below the Salt – Thomas B. Costain


Atlas Shrugged – Ayn Rand


1957 also saw the release of Jack Kerouac’s,  On The Road, and Vladimir Nabokov’s Pnin.

We’ll continue this series right through to 2018, keep an eye out for 1958, coming soon!

If you’d like to see all the lists so far, try this search 

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