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The Bestselling Books of the Last One Hundred Years: 1968

We started at 1918, bringing you the bestselling books of the last one hundred years. We’re moving along now and today we’re just past the halfway point of this series as we rest at 1968.

1968 saw the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr and the first Big Mac sold in the US (costing 49c), while the country adopted 911 as its emergency service number. The Boeing 747 made its maiden flight. In Honk Kong a flu pandemic killed many, and the Soviet Union invaded Czechoslovakia and arrested its president.

Among all that, there were plenty of books published and read too, and today we’re featuring the bestselling novels of 1968, and some that didn’t make the list but have stood the test of time.

Airport – Arthur Hailey


Couples – John Updike


The Salzburg Connection – Helen MacInnes


A Small Town in Germany – John le Carre


Testimony of Two Men – Taylor Caldwell


Preserve and Protect – Allen Drury


Myra Breckingridge – Gore Vidal


Vanished – Fletcher Knebel


Christy – Catherine Marshall


The Tower of Babel – Morris West


1968 also saw the release of Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001: A Space Oddysey and Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

We’ll continue this series right through to 2018, keep an eye out for 1969, coming soon!

If you’d like to see all the lists so far, try this search

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