We’re into our third month now of the Cwts book club and it’s all going pretty well so far! With 79 votes, our June read is Still Alice by Lisa Genova. The book takes a frank look at the devastating impact of Alzheimer’s disease and has been getting rave reviews all over the Internet.
Of course as always we recommend popping into your local bookshop for a copy if you want to join in, this novel is pretty hot right now and everyone seems to be stocking it. However, if you are buying online you can use the Amazon links provided.
If you’re new to the book club this is how it works:
- Book choice – members have all month to select their choice in a poll in the Cwts. I’ll start each month’s selections with second place from the previous month.
- Selection – At the end of the month, a blog post like this one letting everyone know the selected book.
- Reading – Each month the read starts proper on 1st, at this point I’ll also put up the post to select the following month’s read.
- Discussion – This is two part. I will open a discussion thread in the Cwts on 1st of the month but this must remain spoiler free, and then about mid-month I’ll create an Event page for the book where you can discuss the book fully.
- Review – One volunteer puts a review together based on all the thoughts in the discussion thread at the end of each month.
The book club is run from our offshoot Facebook group, the Cwts @ Reading Addicts and it’s here you’ll find the discussion and a link to the event page where discussions happen.