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Four Decades of Fear from the Master of Horror .

Whether or not you’re a reader of the genre, you cannot fail to recognise the name of the number one author of modern day horror writing; King has been scaring the pants of his constant readers for the last four decades and his dedicated biographer George Beahm has decided to commemorate the occasion with an updated Stephen King Companion.

I’m one of King’s Constant Readers, I’ve read everything he’s ever published (apart from Blockade Billy but I’ll get round to it) and I have loved them all. I’ve also followed his life to a certain extent too and he must be one of the few authors whose life mirrors his writing, so I’m really looking forward to this updated Companion. It’s filled with photographs, interviews with the man himself, friends and family; stunning illustrations by Dark Tower artist Michael Whelan and Black and White drawings from Maine artist Glenn Chadbourne.

Considering his battle with drug and alcohol addictions, his run in with a drunk, his dog and an out of control van and his famous Twitter rants, this book promises to be filled with facts that are far stranger than the fiction King writes so well.

George Beahm’s last King Companion was a fascinating insight into the man behind the myth and now, twenty five years later this updated version promises to delve even deeper into the mind that imagined Carrie, Christine, a Killer Clown and those wondrous creatures, the Shitweasels.

The Stephen King Companion: Four Decades of Fear from the Master of Horror will be released on the 6th October 2015 in both the UK and US (Sorry to all our readers from elsewhere but hopefully your release dates are very soon) and is available to pre-order.

The Stephen King Companion US
The Stephen King Companion UK

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