Literary escapism is the reason we read, to get lost in another’s mind, another’s thoughts and ideas allows us to learn empathy and gain experience without living them. It’s not just the characters either, you can travel the world through books and these literary maps bring the locations of many British books to life.
The United Kingdom has always been a favourite location for writers, especially those classic authors of the past. Many of the best known books through the years are set in England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland and these maps bring these to life.
There are four maps in total, one for each region of the UK and another that covers the entire area. Let’s take a look at the United Kingdom one first.
The UK literary map gives an outlook of the entire nation without concentrating on each country individually. Many of your favourite books are seen, set in all the nations of the UK from Trainspotting in Scotland, The Secret Garden in the North of England, How Green Was My Valley in Wales and Eureka Street in Northern Ireland.

Here’s a closer look at England where you can see the locations of some of the world’s favourite novels such as The Secret Garden, Wuthering Heights, Persuasion, Bridget Joneses Diary and others.

Often outside the UK people forget that the UK is more than just England but the makers of this map for understand that The United Kingdom is more than just England.
Here are all the Scottish locations including Trainspotting, Kidnapped, and others.

Next we have Wales, which does sadly only feature How Green Was My Valley by Richard Llewellyn, which is a shame because there are some great books set here!

And finally Northern Ireland where we have two books set in Belfast, not a comprehensive list but interesting nonetheless.

Thanks to for sharing these fantastic infographics with us today.

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