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When children’s books go wrong…

By September 8, 2018Children's Literature

We love all kinds of children’s books here at Reading Addicts, but unfortunately not all kids’ books were created equally. Some are just plain weird. We’ve shown you some creepy and hilarious unintentional, and perhaps intentional, innuendo (Part 1 and Part 2), so buckle up and prepare for a whole lot of “What the hell?” and “WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS OKAY?”

Remember- if these monstrous titles could get published then there is hope for all budding writers.

Is this worse than a visible dick?

Next in the series: The Day Uncle John Came to Stay For Good

At least they’re being polite!

All the best big sisters do.


I don’t blame them, to be honest.

These LGBTQ+ books are getting a little too graphic.


Donny’s first book sparked his interest in uroscopy

No, sir, I will not put my finger in that hole.

It was all the murders, right?

*pfffffft* *squeeaak* *poot*


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