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Will the Real Stephen King Please Stand Up

By October 13, 2016Authors

There appears to be an impostor, a false King, a usurper, someone laying claim to the horror fiction throne who has no right to be there and the true King is not happy.

In a statement on his website Stephen’s team have brought to light an ongoing issue with an author of horror novels who is going by the same name as King and whose books are being advertised and sold by Amazon as being by the Stephen King who authored such bestsellers as Carrie and The Shining.

Apparently this has been going on for several years and despite repeated requests from Stephen’s team and Stephen himself Amazon has refused to take any action and are in fact actively promoting these books as being from the real Stephen King with several Constant Readers contacting the site to state that they have received emails from Amazon promoting the books written by the other Stephen King.
Whether this is a system based problem or something that Amazon could quite easily rectify is unclear but the fact remains that if you search for books by Stephen King, you will receive listings of books by both authors with absolutely no clarification as to which King is the author of which book.

The real Stephen King

The titles that are being advertised and linked to the real Stephen King are:

Grave Decisions
The Crossroads Series
Dark Love The Underground
Beast Control
Blood Rituals

and King’s team encourages anyone who may have purchased any of these books thinking they are by him to contact Amazon and demand a refund.

King’s team also asks that his followers contact Amazon to request they clarify the fact that the two authors are separate entities and their respective works aren’t mistakenly attributed to one another, although I cannot imagine the lesser King being too eager to have this issue resolved as having his work mistakenly thought to be that of the master of horror must have brought him a fair few extra sales.

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