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14 Inspiring Books for Unstoppable Young Girls

By January 14, 2016June 12th, 2018Discussion and Recommendations

I’d like to think we’re passed the days of princesses waiting to be saved, and thankfully there’s now lots of literature out there for young girls with strong female characters.

So we asked you, what your inspiring reads for young girls are, and as always you had plenty of suggestions, I’ve collated those suggestions and from your suggestions we have a list of 14 inspiring books for your unstoppable young girls.

Anne of Green Gables – Lucy Maud Montgomery

Surprisingly it wasn’t a new and modern book to make the top of the list, but the old favourite Anne of Green Gables. She didn’t mess around, did she? Always knew what she wanted.

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Anne of Green Gables Review

Immortals Series – Tamora Pierce

We had several suggestions for this author as one generally to try if you’re looking for books with strong female characters, but it’s the Immortals Series that takes second place.

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Diary of a Young Girl – Anne Frank

A beautiful and inspiring story that transcends the years, and a book that most teenagers can relate to, despite the very different circumstances.

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The Hunger Games – Suzanne Collins

She’s pretty tough and she does it without too much help too! If you’re looking for a strong female character, Katniss might just be it.

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The Hunger Games Review

Throne of Glass Series – Sarah J Maas

Lots of you seem to be reading this at the moment, and many of you also recommended it for those looking for books with strong female characters too.

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Little Women – Louisa May Alcott

Another oldie but a goodie, we all wanted to be Jo growing up, so tough and spunky!

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Wild Magic – Tamora Pierce

As we said, many of Tamora Pierce’s books were suggested with votes too for Song of the Lioness, but it’s Wild Magic,the first book in the Immortals series that takes seventh place in our list.

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Inkheart – Cornelia Funke

Meggie is both brave and bold, and Aunt Elinor is pretty good at sticking up for herself too! A magical tale with strong female characters.

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Inkheart Review

Serafina and the Black Cloak – Robert Beatty

A female hero called Serafina. What more could we want? Can Serafina save the day and stop the children from disappearing?

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Wee Free Men – Terry Pratchett

Pratchett writes bold female characters throughout all his books, so we’re not at all surprised to see this on the list. Magical!

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11. Matilda – Roald Dahl – USUK

12. Mistborn – Brandon Sanderson – USUK

13. Stargirl – Jerry Spinelli – USUK

14. Heidi – Johanna Spyri – USUK

That’s an incredibly eclectic list with stories from today, and many from days gone by too. We hope you’ve found some inspiration for your budding Supergirl!

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