Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis is a novella published in 1915. It is written in four parts that takes us through Gregor Samsa’s initial transformation into a large, bug-like creature, to the reactions of his self and his family. It is a keen insight into the disconnect between body and mind, and the absurdity of life.
Bendysnatch Cucumberpatch has had his fingers in many pies these past few years- from being the world’s best detective Sherlock Holmes to Dr Strange (with a Dr House-esque American accent) in the Marvel universe. His smooth, English tone is perfect for telling Kafka’s tale of transformation, horrified reaction, and the surprising limits of familial sympathy.
The BBC have given us four episodes read by Bungeejump Catchthemall, all presented to you here via Loretta Cosgrove at SoundCloud!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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