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Best Literary Tattoos of 2015

By December 28, 2015Your Photos

As members of our Facebook page will know, we love receiving your literary inspired photos and our literary tats feature is one of the most popular we’ve ever run! We’ve had hundreds of photos submitted this year, and this week I went through them, picked out your favourites to feature in this best of feature.

All pictures are credited with the original submit details, thanks to all who submit their pictures. Here are the best literary tattoos of 2015:

“Growing up in an abusive home, books have always been my safe place.” ~ Katie C

LiteraryTat by Cat Yeris

“My tattoo with my kids names.” ~ Tracey Manzella

“The words refer to the Annie Dillard quote “she reads books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live.” ~ Coryn

LiteraryTat by Amber Freeze

LiteraryTat from Morgan Campbell

“Love mine, true and simplistic”

“Just got this yesterday.” ~ Louise Davies

“LiteraryTat by Chad Cornish”

“This is mine and I love it. Cause there is nothing better than reading and writing while listening to music.”
– Lena

Harry Potter ~ Elisa Taylor

LiteraryTat by Teri Lybecker

And we can’t forget our own Sammy from the For Reading Addicts team. Sammy is a huge House of Leaves fan (read her House of Leaves review here) and got this tattoo in the summer with a quote from the series. Sammy runs Poetic Pieces and organises the For Reading Addicts newsletter too.

We hope you enjoyed the selection, they were chosen from the literary tattoos you gave the most likes to over on our Facebook page. If you’d like to see your own picture up on our Facebook page just submit it via email with ‘literary tat’ in the title and we’ll add it!

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