Last year we started a new little collection on social media, asking you to Facebook us your Bookface. The response was absolutely phenomenal with some hilarious submissions, so I’ve trawled through the album and picked out the ones that received the most attention on social media in 2015 for a ‘best of’ post.
We hope you enjoy them, and if you’d like to kick start the 2016 album just email us with Bookface in the title and we’ll get them added to Facebook! Memoirs of a Geisha was a particularly hot activity for the Bookface last year, let’s see what this year brings.
Submitted by Denise Beanland
Submitted by Mary Katerine
Submitted by Jessica C
Submitted by Angie
Submitted by Dian Radiana
Submitted by Hendriani Lee
Submitted by Jayson Peel
Submitted by Jessica Heyes
Submitted by Jessica C
Submitted by Carl Karlsson
Submitted by Kelly Dawson
Submitted by Mary Turner
What a great selection! We hope you enjoyed those, and as always, we’re blown away by what a talented lot you are.
Thank you for all your photo submissions through 2015 and and please do keep them coming through 2016 too!
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