I fell upon this video of two children’s book characters chatting as I was looking for something entirely different and ended up watching it with an inane grin on my face.
I adore the interaction, I love the ape’s patience and I think the donkey is the cutest. Based on Lane Smith’s It’s a Book, enjoy this cute clip of a Book lover and a tech savvy friend discussing a book and then do the same as me, buy the book, because, well, just because.

Listen to Alfred, Lord Tennyson Read ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’ on Wax Cylinder
Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote The Charge of the Light Brigade in 1854 after reading a…

The Devil all the Time adaptation coming to Netflix
October 3, 2020
The Devil all the Time adaptation coming to Netflix
Netflix is bringing Donald Ray Pollock's The Devil All The Time to our screens. The…

This book repair video is full of unintentional and very satisfying ASMR triggers.
ASMR is all over the internet but only one such audio sensory trigger is a…

Polish government has added a video game to the educational reading list
Poland has become the first country to add a video game to their official educational…

Watch Taika Waititi and friends read James & the Giant Peach
James & The Giant Peach is being read online by a host of celebrities on…

The Obamas read ‘The Word Collector’ for a family read-a-long
Michelle and Barrack Obama have taken to Instagram to read us a story! In association…
This is great!