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The Books Caitlin Moran Says Made her a Feminist

By March 13, 2017April 5th, 2018Authors, Reading Habits

Caitlin Moran spoke to Penguin books recently about the books she loves, and feminism. She starts her interview with a mention of fellow author and feminist Gloria Steinem who says the book Little Women changed her life because it was the first time she realised women could be a whole human world.

Caitlin agrees, and goes on step further, giving this piece of advice for young girls ‘Girls, don’t read any books by men. Don’t read them. Stay away from them. Or, at least, don’t read them until you’re older, and fully-formed, and battle-ready, and are able to counter someone being rude to you, in conversation, not with silent embarrassment, or internalised, mute fury, but a calm, “Fuck you very much, and goodbye.”.’

A homeschooled child, Moran says she was able to choose her own reading material as a child and gravitated to books by female authors, and as part of the interview she gave a list of the books she loved growing up. You can see the list here:

Caitlin also said a lot more about being a women, about feminism, and of course about her love of books. You can read the full interview here.

The author’s own book about feminism, part memoir, part rant is called How To Be A Woman and you can read a review for that here.

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