Christopher Walken is an American actor best known for movies such as The Deer Hunter and Pulp Fiction.
His diverse and eccentric style makes Walken a cult icon amongst film fans, and his voice has been imitated any times but nothing is as good as the original. Never one to shy away from an interesting role, Walken is considered one of the most diverse actors of his generation. His sense of humour lends itself well to spoof and parodies, and has been known to mock his own work and style for comedic effect.
He has in the past recorded himself reading poetry or stories, such as Edgar Allan Poe, The Three Little Pigs, and now Where The Wild Things Are. As there aren’t many words, but there are many pictures, we get an extra treat with Walken describing the images in his own unique way…

The Devil all the Time adaptation coming to Netflix

would have been nice if they’d just read the text.
Did he really not see the blury pages. I loved this guy as an actor and enjoy this read. But come the fuck on man. Glasses. I have to wear them in my old age and you had me wondering if my shit was going out of whack. Lmao
Still cool though. Loved the kill bill series.