And so we start a new year. A very Happy New Year to all our cwtsers! Those in the know will be aware that we are also starting our Cwts Club Reading Challenge this month and we’ll be attempting to tie future book club events throughout the year into that. The challenge is quite flexible so there should be plenty of scope to choose from many books and hopefully we’ll feature a few of those in our Cwts Club posts throughout the year.
January’s challenge is to ‘Reread and old favourite’ and to ‘Read something chosen by someone else’. Hopefully one or both of our Cwts Club books will offer that for you for January’s challenge.
The book club will run over at the Cwts at Reading Addicts as usual and we’ll launch the event page for discussion a week or so in. The poll for February will be pinned to the top of the Cwts page with next month’s challenge and you can vote from there.
And according to your January votes our books are The Book Thief (no spoiler review) and The Handmaid’s Tale (no spoiler review). One is a classic, the other is well on its way to being, and hopefully they’ll qualify either as a reread or as a book suggested by someone else to help you along with the challenge too.