“One of them says, ‘why did they do it?’ and another answers, ‘Because they could.’” – The Power, Naomi Alderman.
Naomi Alderman’s 2016 New York Times Bestseller and Women’s Prize for Fiction winner, The Power is to be adapted for television by Amazon and Sister Pictures (Broadchurch). The ten-part series is to be produced by The Handmaid’s Tale director Reed Morano and is written and produced by Alderman, so fans of the book can rest easy.
Comparisons are bound to be made between this new series and Hulu’s adaptation of The Handmaid’s Tale, the big difference, of course, is the women’s story. In The Handmaid’s Tale women are forced into servitude whereas, in The Power, a world where almost all women can electrocute at will, women become the dominant gender, reassembling the world into a Matriarchy.
The series is to be filmed on locations around the world, however, in a recent interview at this year’s Women’s Prize announcement in Bloomsbury, London Naomi Alderman told Zing Tsjeng, that they would no longer be filming in Georgia. She explained that a joint decision to pull out of Georgia was made between Reed Morano and the rest of the crew because of the State’s stance on women’s control of their bodies. She told Tsjeng, “We cannot film in any place where we could not keep our female members of staff safe”.
There have so far been no announcements of the cast for this adaptation, but watch this space, because being huge fans of the book, we will be keeping a close watch for any further news.

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