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Emily Dickinson – A Quiet Passion

By December 10, 2016Video

Born on December 10 1830 Emily Dickinson was an American poet who would become a legend in her lifetime through her quirks rather than her writing. Becoming more and more reluctant to speak to people Emily developed a penchant for wearing all white and would eventually confine herself to her bedroom with her only contact with the outside world coming via correspondence through letter writing.

With fewer than a dozen of her poems being published during her lifetime (and even then altered considerably by her publishers to fit with the poetic style of the time) it was not until her death on May 15, 1886 that her sister discovered a huge cache of hitherto unpublished poetry.

The film of Dickenson’s life, A Quiet Passion has already done the rounds of the world’s Film Festivals but is not on general release in the UK until March of 2017. With Cynthia Nixon playing the part of Emily, the film follows the life of the young girl who would become a reclusive and talented poet.

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