It’s becoming a bit of a For Reading Addicts tradition now, where in December we ask you for your favourite book of the year and you vote to create a winner. We’ve been collecting your votes throughout December and thanks to everyone who had their say to help create the For Reading Addicts Book of the Year 2018.
The book is often one much loved throughout the year in our reading group, the Cwts @ Reading Addicts and this year is no different.
The For Reading Addicts book of the year 2018 is The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris. Many of you have raved about the book throughout the year and it’s been popular all year. Morris spent three years studying Ludwig “Lale” Eisenberg, prisoner 32407, who became the tattooist of Auschwitz before telling his story and the book has become one of the best loved WWII stories out this year.
It wasn’t the only book voted for 72 books were mentioned in all in the poll but we’ve narrowed those down to a top ten based on your votes. Here are the other nine.
Word of the Day – Gamut
Word of the Day – Epochal
For Reading Addicts Book of the Year 2024
Word of the Day – Preponderate
Word of the Day – Resplendent
Word of the Day – Animadvert