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Irvine Welsh Wades in on Brexit and US Politics in His Own Unique Voice

By November 15, 2018Authors, Political

Irvine Welsh, author of Trainspotting and many other gritty Scottish tomes is a regular on Twitter and can often be found wading in on the issues of the day.

The Scottish author and social commenter has made no secret of the fact that he thinks Brexit sucks and after government discussions, resignations and the possibility of a Brexit deal this week he’s made his feelings on the matter well known.

After the Brexit Secretary quit this morning, Welsh tweeted:

And also laid into Theresa May after she’d spoken about the Brexit deal on offer.

You may think he’s a Corbynite but he wasn’t kind there either.

Welsh has always been vocal when it comes to UK politics and has made no secret of his left leaning politics, as made clear in his pinned tweet.

And if you wondered what he thinks of US politics, he’s not shy on wading in there either, making his feelings perfectly clear.

Welsh’s novels ooze political undertones and he makes no secret of his views making him one of our favourite authors to follow on Twitter!

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