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New Image of Netflix’s ‘The Witcher’ Shows Geralt in Action

By September 29, 2019Adaptations, News

If you’re a fan of Andrzej Sapkowski’s The Witcher fantasy series, then you’ll no doubt be aware that Netflix is currently working on an adaptation of the books that will star Henry Cavill as the grizzled monster hunter Geralt of Rivia. So far we’ve already had a sneak peek at the show via a teaser trailer released by Netflix, as well as a few promotional images that show off some of the main characters. If you just can’t wait to begin watching the series then you’ll want to check out this new image that’s been released which shows off Geralt looking ready for action.

The first season is set to be released in late 2019 and follows the adventures of the monster slayer Geralt of Rivia. No mere mercenary, Geralt is a Witcher, a mysterious group of individuals with enhanced abilities and magical powers. Upon his adventures, he’ll face deadly monsters, encounter enemies, and make steadfast friendships.

The series is based upon the fantasy books by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, who’s novels became popular around the globe following the success of the video game adaptations of the same name. The books have been well received for their immersive writing and morally grey approach to fantasy. Things are rarely as easy as good VS evil and Sapkowski delights in turning well known fairy tales on their heads and showing us a different view.

Sapkowski serves as a creative consultant for the show, here’s hoping it lives up to the quality of his books.

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