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New York Bookstore Features Books from Sh*thole Countries

Turning negatives into positives is always a good thing, and right now we’re in love with Rough Draft Bar and Books in New York for their display featuring authors from ‘shithole countries’.

Since he has taken office, President Trump has done a pretty good job at offending the rest of the world. A while ago he banned travellers from many Muslim countries and we responded by featuring a list of books from the Muslim ban list.

More recently, the President has spoken of ‘shithole countries’ around the world and Rough Draft Books has responded with a display of books that has been received with an outpouring of support on social media from around the world.

You can see the display over at the Rough Draft Bar and Books Facebook page, but we’re reproducing the list here, and if you read broadly from authors around the world, there’s plenty here for you:

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