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Our Top 15 from the Not The Booker Prize Longlist 2020

By August 19, 2020Literary Awards, News

The Guardian’s Not the Booker Prize has become as anticipated, and respected as the Bookers themselves, and this year the paper has more books nominated than ever! There are over 200 books in this year’s Not the Booker Longlist, and right now, you can vote for the ones that you think should make the shortlist!

Forget expert judges, or select panels, this one is for the readers and with over 200 books to choose from, you should be able to select a favourite in the list. That said, we couldn’t narrow it down just to one so here are a few of our favourites.

The above list contains the fifteen books we think stand out in the 200+ longlist, but now it’s time for you to vote. Choose your own and make your selection, here, over at the Guardian.

One Comment

  • Michelle says:

    the short list voting closed to the public on Sunday. But the competition is good fun and the next public voting will be to vote for the winner later this year.

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