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The Bestselling Books of the Last One Hundred Years: 1932

We started at 1918, bringing you the bestselling books of the last one hundred years. We’re moving along now, covering each year at a time and we’re into the 1930s. Today we’re documenting the ten bestselling books of 1932, and what you were reading instead.

Already we can see some hot authors and trends appearing now and as the years tick on it’s likely that you’ll start recognising some contemporary authors and others who have been publishing through the decades. This year we have the first top book to stay as the bestselling book for two consecutive years with Pearl S. Buck’s The Good Earth, a book that has more than stood the test of time.

So here they are, the ten top selling books of 1932 and the heady days before World War II. We’re also featuring some well known books that didn’t make the cut!

The Good Earth – Pearl S. Buck


The Fountain – Charles Morgan


Sons (The Good Earth II) – Pearl S Buck


Magnolia Street – Louis Golding


The Sheltered Life – Ellen Glasgow


Old Wine and New – Warwick Deeping


Mary’s Neck – Booth Tarkington


Magnificent Obsession – Lloyd C Douglas


Inheritance – Phyllis Bentley


Three Loves – A. J Cronin


The number one book, The Good Earth is still considered a classic today. However, 1932 also saw the release of Aldous Huxley’s,  Brave New World, considered a classic even today, even if it wasn’t a bestseller at the time.

We’ll continue this series right through to 2018, keep an eye out for 1933, coming soon!

If you’d like to see all the lists so far, try this search 

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