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The Bestselling Books of the Last One Hundred Years: 1988

We started at 1918, bringing you the bestselling books of the last one hundred years. We’re more than half way through the 80s now and today we’re bringing you the bestselling books of 1988!

Dominating the news in 1988 was the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, a small town in Scotland. Elsewhere in the UK the £1 note stopped being legal tender. Relations between the US and Russia dominated the news as Reagan and Gorbachev rattified the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, and after eight years the Iran/Iraq was was over.

Among all that, there were plenty of books published and read too, and today we’re featuring the bestselling novels of 1988, and some that didn’t make the list but have stood the test of time.

The Cardinal of the Kremlin – Tom Clancy


The Sands of Time – Sidney Sheldon


Zoya – Danielle Steel


The Icarus Agenda – Robert Ludlum


Alaska – James Michener


Till We Meet Again – Judith Krantz


Queen of the Damned – Anne Rice


To Be The Best – Barbara Taylor Bradford


One – Richard Bach


Mitla Pass – Leon Uris


1988 also saw the release of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Love in the Time of Cholera , and A Time to Kill by John Grisham.

We’ll continue this series right through to 2018, keep an eye out for 1989, coming soon!

If you’d like to see all the lists so far, try this search

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