We started at 1918, bringing you the bestselling books of the last one hundred years. Today we start a new decade, as we countdown to the end of a century and a millennia with 1990!
1990 saw the future, via Switzerland though no one could have predicted what big news it was when Tim Berners-Lee published his formal proposal for the World Wide Web during November. In other technological news, the US launched the Hubble Telescope. In Iran an earthquake killed 50,000, and a worldwide ban on the trade of ivory started, but there’s no doubt the technological age is now here.
Among all that, there were plenty of books published and read too, and today we’re featuring the bestselling novels of 1990, and some that didn’t make the list but have stood the test of time.
1990 also saw the release of Michael Crichtons’s Jurassic Park , and The Buddha of Suburbia by Hanif Kureishi.
We’ll continue this series right through to 2018, keep an eye out for 1991, coming soon!
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