Anne Hegerty, also known as The Governess, is a formidable opponent for contestants on the UK gameshow The Chase.
A sensual ASMR video was devised by LadBible and mobile company 3 who decided to utilise The Governess’s strict schoolmarm charm. Her low and smooth vocal tones, and her clipped English accent can be heard reading erotic fan fiction written about Anne Hegerty herself.
As is standard with ASMR videos, there are various intriguing sounds made throughout- a wobbling blancmange, tapping on a solid aubergine, and the trademark ASMR whispering. Describing the video does it no justice- you really must watch it for yourself.
Prepare to be drawn into the erotic world of pub quizzes, juicy fruits, and ketchup!

Find Anne Hegarty as The Governess on ITV’s The Chase, or practice your quizzing abilities with their corresponding book.

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