Doctor Sleep is the highly anticipated upcoming film adaptation of Stephen King’s follow up to The Shining, which went on to be adapted by Stanley Kubrick in the groundbreaking 1980 film of the same. Those of you who can’t wait to see what Danny Torrance has been up to since he escaped his father’s madness will be pleased to learn that Hollywood isn’t pulling its punches with the sequel, which has been rated R for “Disturbing and violent content, some bloody images, language, nudity, and drug use.”
Mike Flanagan, the film’s director, published a Tweet saying: “DOCTOR SLEEP has officially been rated R by the MPAA for “disturbing and violent content, some bloody images, language, nudity, and drug use.” Sounds about right…”
The film stars Ewan McGregor (Trainspotting, Star Wars) as a troubled, middle-aged Danny Torrence who struggles with a alcoholism brought on by his psychic abilities. Danny’s efforts to move on from his past are shattered when he encounters a young woman who also shares his gift of the ‘shine’ who is being hunted by dark forces.
Doctor Sleep is set to be released later this year on November 9, here’s hoping it’s able to live up to the quality of King’s writing and Kubrick’s film making.

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