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We asked you on our Facebook page who your favourite British author was? As always you answered in your droves and with a huge range of authors being mentioned.
Over 100 different writers received a mention but here are the top ten British authors as voted by you.

I don’t suppose it comes as much of a surprise to discover that J.K. Rowling topped our poll with half as many votes again as the second placed author.

Harry Potter US
Harry Potter UK

In second place with 69 votes is classic author Jane Austen.

Pride and Prejudice US
Pride and Prejudice UK

You placed the wonderful Agatha Christie third, her characters and tales have stood the test of time and are as adored as much today as when first published.

Complete Hercule Poirot US
Complete Hercule Poirot UK

Charles Dickens comes in at number four, I cannot imagine there are many of us who haven’t read at least one of his novels.

Great Expectations US
Great Expectations UK

And in fifth place? A local boy (to me) with an amazing imagination. Mr J.R.R. Tolkien.


Three for the price of one next; The Bronte Sisters received a combined 30 votes.

Wuthering Heights US
Wuthering Heights UK

Awww I’m so pleased Mr Terry Pratchett appears in our top ten. 28 of you chose him as your favourite British Author.

The Shepherd’s Crown US
The Shepherd’s Crown UK

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is your number eight choice. Sherlock Holmes has been reincarnated so many times he’s become his own phenomenon, suffice to say he never once said, “Elementary dear Watson.”

Sherlock US
Sherlock UK

Number nine? C.S. Lewis enchanted many of us as children and I have to admit, even now as an adult I still hanker after my very own Narnia.

Narnia US
Narnia UK

And scraping into to our top ten is.. William Shakespeare; we owe so much of our modern language to this man as he coined many of the words we use today.

Shakespeare US
Shakespeare UK

The next ten authors, in the order of nomination are:

Neil Gaiman
Thomas Hardy
P.D. James
George Orwell
Enid Blyton
Jeffrey Archer
Ian Rankin
Oscar Wilde
Alexander McCall Smith
Lee Child

I hope you found your favourite British author amongst those listed above. If not let us know in the comments, we always love to hear from you.


  • Joel R. Dennstedt says:

    I am an American whose top ten favorite authors include 5 British authors in the top 5 slots.
    1 – Barry Unsworth
    2 – John LeCarre
    3 – William Golding
    4 – Graham Greene
    5 – Charles Dickens
    and Jim Crace ain’t bad either.
    For me, the British are the best writers in the world.

  • Huma Hameed says:

    Ruth Rendell and Sue Townsend

  • Diarmid Lucey says:

    No Kipling? No Delderfield? What is wrong with you people?

  • stacie stroupe says:

    Out of those that are mentioned, I didn’t see Kenneth Graham. Author of the Wind and the Willows. He’s one of my favorites too.

  • Jill O'Carroll says:

    So where are EM Forster, George Elliot and AA Milne?

  • Maria Adlam-Apps says:

    Malcolm Saville
    Susan Cooper
    Philippa Pearce
    Leon Garfield
    John Connolly
    Frances Hodgson Burnett
    Noel Streatfield
    Joan Aiken
    Beatrix Potter
    Michelle Magorian

  • Where is Douglas Adams? I adored that man – a little piece of me died when he passed.

  • Tanmei says:

    Roald Dahl!
    Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse!
    Rudyard Kipling!

  • Mikki says:

    Elizabeth Chadwick, Sheri Holman, Morgan Llywelyn, Ian Morson, Alan Gordon, Peter Tremayne, Edward Rutherfurd, Rory Clark, Norman Davies, Bryan Sykes, Ariana Franklin, Daphne du Maurier, Kate Mosse, Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy, Bill Bryson, The Medieval Murderers, Imogene Robertson, Anne Perry, Peter Mayle, Valerie Anand. How is that for additional authors?

  • Sunjo says:

    Georgette Heyer, Ellis Peters,, Anthony Buckeridge, Geoffrey Trease

  • N. Cockburn says:

    JK Rowling above Shakespeare. Good Grief.
    We really ought to include the writers of the “Beano” then, since they too are British.
    Rudyard Kipling (and to the person above who claimed he was “racist”, you have quite obviously either never read or utterly failed to understand anything he ever wrote. “Racist” my Aunt Fanny. You, sir, are a “politically correct” ignoramus.
    Leslie Thomas.
    EM Forster
    Robert Harris
    George MacDonald Fraser
    Sir Henry Rider Haggard
    Graham Greene
    RD Wingfield
    Conn İggulden
    George Orwell
    Colin Dexter
    Michael Dodds
    Bernard Cornwell
    Frederick Forsyth

  • Marilyn Sneddon says:

    John Le Carre, Dorothy L Sayers, Anthony Trollope, Joanna Trollope, Len Deighton, CP Snow, Mary Wesley, Nancy Mitford, RF Delderfield, JB Priestly and Oscar Wilde. Many more but blank mind

  • Ana says:

    A disappointing list, full of predictable – mostly dead – British writers. Not that I don’t think many of them are great but what about a list of contemporary British writers? I must have been thinking along those lines snd fully expected to find the likes of McEwan, Barnes, Zadie Smith and Ali Smith on your list.

  • Anne W says:

    I’ve been on a Jasper Fforde kick recently.

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