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Top 10 Motivational Books for Students

Most of those recommendations are not the usual self-help books especially for 17-18-year-old students because it is more important to gain a perspective on the world, the culture, about yourself at this age rather than diving into the conventional self-help novels. But if you are a lack of inspiration, the motivation can be found in books. After all, you guys are just entering college or studying there during this time!

However here is a list of encouraging books to read for students, but not only for them, those novels everyone must read:

1. You Can Win by Shiv Khera

This may be the conventional self-help book, but Shiv Khera has managed to reach out to everyone with his simplistic yet powerful ideas. The good thing about this book is that the language is kept simple and to the point making it easier to understand. You Can Win, focuses on achieving success through personal growth and a positive attitude.

The most emotionally strong quote from this book is: “Be strong so that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.”

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2. The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It by Kelly McGonigal

Lack of will power, perhaps, is the main enemy on the road to success, health, and financial well-being. How many times have we tried to take control of ourselves, but after a while we gave in to the impulse and lost our composure? Kelly McGonagall’s book is an excellent practical guide to educating willpower. Each chapter describes one key idea and how it can be used to achieve your goals. Applying methods and strategies described in the book, you will learn how to manage your attention, feelings, and desires easily. And it does not matter whether you want to lose weight, quit smoking, play sports, stops checking mail every five minutes, opens your business or finds a new job, the strategies in this book will give you the opportunity to permanently change your life.

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3. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

A book is about the life, without embellishment. This is among those books that change views on certain aspects of life. A striking, heartbreaking tragedy of friendship between the two boys, as it turned out later – brothers. The plot, in its essence, if it was written by a middle-class writer, would seem like an old Indian movie or Santa Barbara. But under the pen of Khaled everything is different, he skillfully makes each of your cells tremble, belch out all his fears and hidden thoughts, all the injuries of childhood that he would like to change – but there is neither strength nor possibility. Amir, the main character, turned out and confessed first of all to himself in his cowardice and treachery, and also managed to change not only his own destiny but also the fate of Sohrab.

The book makes you reconsider your actions, your attitude to life and the loved ones.

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4. Getting to Yes with Yourself and Other Worthy Opponents by William Ury

As sooner we will be able to reach an agreement with ourselves, the sooner we will reach the agreement with others. This book can be attributed to the category of those, the content of which you want to argue, discuss in the heated debate, and as a result, they will help you to understand yourself.

Getting to Yes with Yourself is a book on how to choose an approach to your main opponent in your life – yourself. It’s essential not only how you communicate with others, but also if you are in harmony with yourself. Any changes around you have to start with yourself – this is already a half of success. The book gives a lot of advice, and this helps you understand yourself, gives you many new ideas and helps you to ask many questions yourself and look for answers to them. You know, it’s a very refreshing look at life and helps you look at a lot of things in a new way.

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5. Life of Pi by Yann Martel

Yann Martel’s Life of Pi is the story of a young man who survives a harrowing shipwreck and months in a lifeboat with a large Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. Such components as an Indian boy with a tiger in the Pacific Ocean are assumed either a multi-page longing or Bollywood finding a brother of the boy in the ocean, the brother of Tiger and an illegitimate son of a cousin of a tiger’s sister. Well, what else can you squeeze out of such kind of plot? The amazingly easy language of the author, a subtle sense of humor, graceful subversion of deviations – this is already enough to read. Well, the story itself is a super illustration of how a person who survived the most powerful existential crisis (and what else to do for 7 months, hanging out in the Pacific?!) Is triggered by a psychological defense.

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6. Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy is a world expert in the field of psychology of success, one of the most famous consultants in the field of self-development and personal effectiveness. The book Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time is translated into 40 languages ​​and is extremely popular all over the world. The book presents the result of more than thirty years of study of the distribution of time. It talks about how to achieve the solution of complex problems, leaving the comfort zone. Practical advice given in the book will allow you to discover reserves that you did not even suspect, and correctly determine the priorities of your affairs, plan your schedule correctly, always work with maximum efficiency. The author is sure: you can achieve anything! The main aim is to get down to the task correctly.

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7. Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

There are novels that tell a great story and others that make you change the way you look at the world. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah is a book that manages to do both. It is an extremely thoughtful, subtly provocative exploration of structural inequality, of different kinds of oppression, of gender roles, of the idea of home and the discrimination against races. A must read!

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8. Make Good Art by Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman is a 55-year-old Englishman who refused to receive higher education in order to devote all his time to journalism and writing. His first artistic and journalistic material came out simultaneously … Six years after the start of a career, which is considered one of the oldest. This is a person who forces teens to sit under the veil with a flashlight at night to read his comics! His most famous comic – “The Sandman,” and the novel that brought him popularity, success, and became a bestseller – “Good Omen.”

What is this book about? It’s about magic… the magic of art! It must have every musician, writer, dancer, artist of all-all-all creative people, who lost their motivation on customs, if suddenly, after waking up, the idea came – “I’m not reading.” The book Make Good Art will inspire you to act, it is made of comic book drawings, with vivid phrases and appeals to action.

The strongest quote is: I hope you make mistakes. If you make a mistake, then you are doing something.

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9. Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Daniel Kahneman is a Nobel Prize winner who has written an incredible book that dives into the mysterious world of our conscious and unconscious thinking patterns. This book is filled with fascinating revelations that you discover, giving you a deeper understanding of how you make decisions and react to certain things in your life. It is a fun read.

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10. Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk

This book is also on the list of the most interesting books to read at college. This book can be recommended by many criteria. “Stop clinging to everything” – once again the main protagonist tells us in a trusting tone. His emotions are wasted on a full spool, spilled over the edge of nervous exhaustion. And now a “double bottom” of self-consciousness is sin front of him. An invisible divide of personality, when the taste of life is easily expressed through the delightful miracle of death, it’s chanting through ridicule. An impermeable night becomes an eternal day. And internal fears are forever marked by freedom of choice, reason, and love. Indeed, the very concept of LOVE is first and foremost freedom.

You fall in love with heroes right away. They describe their bright portraits to us by themselves: Tyler Derner with the smile of an angel of death Loki, dictates his own rules and questions: “What’s worse: Hell or Nothing?”. Marla, according to her own words, was a charming and cute girl but turned into a malicious and endless rubbish. And our protagonist, whose psychogenic faint of consciousness whispers: “Tyler Derner is my hallucination?” The rules of the Fight Club are unfocused mantras throughout the book. Interesting and unforgettable artistic images, the brightness of the plot and philosophical sadness. It is one of the books that should be read.

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This is a guest blog by Jeremy Raynolds, a freelance writer for EssayVikings whose primary aim is helping students with any type of college tasks. 

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