Fans of Martin Amis will be pleased to know that one of his most famous novels, London Fields, is headed to the big screen this Summer. The film is being directed by Mathew Cullen and stars Amber Heard, Billy Bob Thornton, Jason Isaacs, Theo James, and Johnny Depp. The film has had a long and troubled production history but it seems it has finally been completed and will release in August. A trailer for the upcoming film can be viewed below:

The film was originally going to be screened at the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival but was pulled following a lawsuit filed by the director, accusing the producers of fraud and releasing a cut of the film he did not endorse. A second lawsuit was filed in 2016 after producers sued Amber Heard for altering the film’s script and failing to finish voice over lines. Heard then counter sued, claiming the producers violated a no nudity clause in her contract. The film has had a very troubled development history, but here’s hoping it’s worth the effort.

The Devil all the Time adaptation coming to Netflix

This looks like such a good film, so many good actors. Can’t wait until August to see it!!!!