A previously banned anti-LGBTQ children’s book is back up for sale online.
Our article in the Summer of 2018 explained how Family Rhetoric (an LGBTQ advocate community) took to the retail giants Amazon and reported the book No Dress For Timmy for being bigoted and discriminatory. The reporting seemed to work as the book was soon removed from the Amazon website, however their joy was short-lived.
A petition was drawn up by a group calling themselves ‘Christians’, driven by religious fervour and anti-science rhetoric. Citing LGBTQ freedom of expression as ‘offensive to Christians’ and ‘Christianphobia’ (not a real thing, guys), their petitions were signed by under 200 people seemingly offended by the idea a little boy may want to dress up as a princess.
Amazon decided to accept their plea and put the book back up for sale despite its very obvious promotion of bullying, bigotry, and utterly ignorant stance on gender expression.

Supporters of the book have stated in their petition:
“No dress for Timmy is a story of a little boy who found himself in a perplexing situation where he was forced to choose between speaking the truth and cheering on a male friend who thinks of himself as a girl. A 34 paged long and beautifully illustrated children’s book, it shows how timidity changes to courage as Timmy takes a conscientious stand for which he paid dearly. NO DRESS FOR TIMMY introduces Christian principles to children ages 4 to 9 years old, to preserve Biblical morality in children across the globe.
They determined that a boy asserting his right not to compliment something that is against his religious conscience to be offensive. They consider reference to the Bible verse Genesis 1: 27 in the content of the book to be offensive. They find Christianity offensive. They find TRUTH and ESTABLISHED SCIENCE to be offensive.
Amazon’s policy here is anti-freedom of expression, anti-conscience and anti-religious liberty. If Amazon’s policies are based on such trivial, subjective standards as “offensive” then they are indeed a gatekeeper against truth. And for that they should be thoroughly ashamed!”
With no trace of irony the petition cites ‘anti-freedom of expression‘ when they are in fact forcing their own ‘anti-freedom of expression’ message in the book, and amazingly think their bigoted stance is based in science and fact. The truth of it is that science is on the side of the LGBTQ community where gender and sexuality is concerned- one just has to be willing to read and understand the science without the influence of one’s own religious lens.
What are your thoughts, Reading Addicts?
Should the book be available to buy? Where does the line between ‘free speech’ and ‘spreading hatred’ lie?
Should books that promote bigotry and hatred of ‘difference’ be free to purchase? Or should we protect the marginalised and oppressed in society by removing sources of ignorance?
Should all books be subjected to this amount of scrutiny on their contents?
The conversation on censorship can be a tricky one as the world is full of people with varying degrees of knowledge, morals, and ideals, but does that mean everyone should be catered for? Even if the book/magazine/pamphlet is dangerously close to pushing a narrative that could harm children and adults who are already going through a difficult time?
Let us know your thoughts!

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If only a paltry 200 people signed a petition it should not have stopped Amazon from maintaining their stance on the book’s status! It’s hardly representative of the public’s view, is it?!
Having said that, provided that Timmy learns to be kind as well as honest, is it wrong to remove it?
But finally, if it does indeed spread a message that’s toxic in any way, no way should Amazon stock it.
I am unable to understand why having books either pro and con on this topic should be banned. America founded on free speech provides for open discourse on diverse topics. If you shut down the conversation or publication of differing views the opportunity for discussion disappears. I am not prepared nor desire to judge LGBTQ or different ideas and feel censorship only leads to the silencing of opposing views, I would like to hear from both sides so as to be fully informed. What is the fear that roots censorship?