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Essential Items For Every Bookworm

By October 17, 2015Reading Habits

So you think you’re a Bookworm? But are you? Are you really? Are you a true Bookworm or just an amateur, a wannabe, a beginner.

We’ve compiled a list of essentials that we think every bookworm should have to ensure a pleasant, stress free reading experience!

Something to Read

You can’t be a bookworm without books! Decisions, decisions, are we old school readers? Do we want shelves filled with beautiful, leather bound tomes, sitting alongside dog-eared paperback favourites that have been read over and over, or are we minimalist sleeksters? Eschewing the bulky archaic vastness of print books and keeping our entire library on a Kindle, or Nook?

Somewhere to Put Your Books

If you’re a lover of print then you will need somewhere to keep your books. A box in the corner, a pile by the side of the bed, or a shelf, or two, or ten.

Somewhere to Sit

Now we have our books and somewhere to keep them we need to decide where we’re going to sit and relax. A Poofy beanbag, a fireside chair the choice is yours.

Something to Wear

We have something to read, somewhere to put our books and somewhere to sit. Whatever else could a bookworm need? Perhaps something snuggly to wear whilst we’re reading? A warm Hoodie for those colder months, or a cool and quirky Tee, the choice is yours.


A Drink 

Surely we’re set now? Nope, what happens when you’re mid epic and you need a drink? Are you going to use a plastic cup and ruin the ambience? Of course not. You’re going to get your coffee, or your tea and you’re going to drink it from an excellent Bookworm mug!

Something to Light The Way

But hold on! The sun is going down (or never bothered coming out at all if you live in the UK!) what are we going to do? Well we’re going to turn our lamp on and continue reading of course!

Some Nibbles

Reading is hard work, we need to keep our energy levels up and what better way than with some nibbles.

Something to Mark Your Place

It’s inevitable that you will be disturbed, whether it be a family member, a phone call, the door or bed time, real life will demand your presence and you will need a method of marking your place. Good job someone invented bookmarks;  class or crass, your decision.

No dog-earing pages you lot!

I think that’s us set, is there anything else you need to be able to call yourself a true bookworm? If you can think of anything else, please let us know in the comments section. We always love hearing from you.

Small disclaimer here. I have tried to ensure the items are the same for both the UK and US (we will be able to access items for our Canadian/Australian/Indian/European/African and Asian followeres eventually I am sure) but there will inevitably be subtle differences. 
If you decide to treat yourselves to a Bookworm essential, make sure you’re getting what you want. FRA

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