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Our once-monthly admin reads blog lets you get a big closer to the team behind For Reading Addicts, letting you know what we’ve been reading, what we loved and what we didn’t. The team all has different literary tastes and we fire our way through a fair few genres, some that may interest you. As usual we got together this week and had our monthly discussion and here are the books we’ve been reading over the past month.

Overall the team seems to have had a good reading month, and in between bringing you all the most current book news, reviews and gossip every day, here’s what we’ve been reading.


I started the month reading The Alchemist, I wasn’t that struck when I first started it. It was ok but not as good as the hype. However, I finished reading it in a flurry at the start of the month and thought the end was wonderful! Very clever indeed.

I then picked up The Uncommon Reader from the charity shop, it’s been recommended a few times on this page and what a funny little tale it was. A light and funny read about what might happen if the Queen fell in love with literature. I’d highly recommend it to any bibliophile!

I’m now reading The Good German, it’s ok but not quite grabbing me yet, but I am fewer than 100 pages in so I’ll give it a chance, though it may end up being put aside by the Cursed Child.


I currently have two on the go, one by my go-to author Philippa Gregory, The King’s Curse which covers the Tudor happenings between 1500 and 1541. Henry VIII and the Tudor court have always fascinated me, and I love Gregory’s way of enveloping me in the Royal courts and drama that ensues!

I’m also reading Pirates! by Celia Rees following two female pirates and apparently based in some fact… It’s good fun, an easy read, but not very challenging at the moment. I was expecting it to be a bit more gritty, so we will have to see if it picks up as I read.


Child 44 was the first book I read this month; a difficult book to read as it hops and jumps a lot and the subject matter is extremely bleak but although I can’t say I particularly enjoyed it, neither did I dislike it. It’s one of those I’m glad I read but I wouldn’t rush to re-read.

Next I flew through the first 3 books of a series by Debra Dunbar, her Imp series is about a demon who has lived on Earth for the past 40 years disguised as a property landlord. Living a fairly mundane life, apart from the usual impish mischief one can get up to without leaking any energy and getting her head cut off by an avenging angel, everything starts going wrong when she’s called to aid a werewolf pack who are being bullied by, you guessed it, an angel. Nicely written and fun to read they’re your typical dark romance/ fantasy books but Samantha, the imp in question has to be one of the best characters I’ve ever read within this genre.

After that I was bullied (OK so not bullied, gently coerced) into reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Kath; it was a book I’d avoided purely because of the dead dog on the cover (I know don’t judge a book blah de blah) but after Kath read an excerpt to me and told me I must read it I spotted an untouched copy in a local charity shop. 24 hours later it was covered in food stains, tea splashes, chocolate and finished. Brilliant book and lesson learned.

Now I am attempting The Loney again, this is my fourth attempt, I’ll let you know how I get on next month. Oh and Master and Margarita is still going along, very very slowly.

So there they are, the books we loved during July, see you next month!

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