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Have you ever thought Voldemort was a bit sexy..?

Voldemort isn’t sexy, right? I think we can agree that the alien-like smoothness, eerie pale pallor, and snakey slit nostrils are not hot… Until now.

Florida Man, drag queen and burlesque performer, offered us a side of Voldemort we have not seen for…ever. At an Ariana Grande tribute night the fantastic artist gave the audience the ultimate Potter-themed treat, complete with wand fight and special lighting effects. Florida Man’s perfect lip-syncing made the show all the more authentic, and ends with a spectacular kiss between the villain and his foe.

Check out Florida Man’s video below, go and send them some love on their Insta or Twitter.

We have also included a few other Harry Potter-themed burlesque routines (there are literally HUNDREDS of them on YouTube) for your shock/amazement/titillation.

You are welcome?

Florida Man as Lady Voldemort

Kitty Glitter as Professor Umbridge

Minnie d’Moocha as Moaning Myrtle

Michael Geary and Fem Bones as Voldemort and Bellatrix.

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