Jo Nesbø’s Harry Hole series has proven thrilling and suspenseful and is much loved by book fans. To date there are eleven books in the series and we’re about to see Detective Harry Hole (prounounced Hoo-leh) imagined on screen for the first time!
As is often the case with crime adaptations, it’s not the first novel in the Harry Hole series that is being adapted, that was The Bat, written in 1997 but the seventh book, The Snowman, released in 2007 in Norwegian and translated in 2010. This isn’t unusual for crime adaptations, and could mean we see further adaptations if The Snowman is successful!
Harry Hole will be played by Michael Fassbender, and we think that is a great casting! The movie will also star Rebecca Ferguson, Toby ones and J. K Simmons. The first trailer is now out and it’s intense, expect to be on the edge of your seat as you watch!
The Snowman will be released by Universal Pictures on 20th October and it really looks like it’ll be a fantastic movie!
If you’re tempted but you’d like to read the book first you definitely have time to read The Snowman before release, or start with the first book in the Harry Hole series, The Bat (US – UK) and work your way through!

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