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Lingerie company to remove ‘Sexy’ Handmaid’s Tale costume

By September 22, 2018Adaptations, News

As Halloween draws near we start thinking of costumes… And how we can tie in our literary heroes to our costume design…

The Handmaid’s Tale has proven to be very popular in recent times, thanks in part to Hulu’s fantastic adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s 1985 novel. As has been proven time and time again- if something has entered pop culture then it is fair game for capitalism to sink its claws in.

And so we welcome The Sexy Handmaid Halloween Costume to the Inappropriately Sexy Costume Hall of Fame.

Complete with white cloak and red bonnet, this “Brave Red Maiden” costume was just a bit much for even the kookiest Halloween fans (especially for the steep price of $65) and after a resounding ‘NOPE, THANKS THOUGH’ from customers- lingerie store Yandy pulled the costume within a day of its release.

A statement from the company says:

“Yandy always has stood, and will continue to stand, at the forefront of encouraging our customers to “Own Your Sexy.” We support our customers being comfortable in their skin, regardless of who they are or what they choose to wear. Our corporate ideology is rooted in female empowerment, and gender empowerment overall,” 

Over the last few hours, it has become obvious that our “Yandy Brave Red Maiden Costume” is being seen as a symbol of women’s oppression, rather than an expression of women’s empowerment. This is unfortunate, as it was not our intention on any level. Our initial inspiration to create the piece was through witnessing its use in recent months as a powerful protest image.

Given the sincere, heartfelt response, supported by numerous personal stories we’ve received, we are removing the costume from our site.”

Now, I understand the backlash, and of course it does not sit well with many people to be seen to celebrate women’s oppression- however, surely the whole point of the 21st century is having a freedom to choose? If you do not want to dress as a ‘Sexy Handmaiden’ then no one is forcing you to buy the costume. If you would rather not support the idea that these already-oppressed female characters should be sexualised and objectified further- then don’t buy the costume.

Women can be empowered by different things: perhaps some women would feel empowered by taking an oppressed character and giving her sexual and bodily autonomy? Are we not lucky enough to watch that dystopian society from afar so there should be no harm in getting a bit cheeky with it?

Is the costume really in such bad taste? Or are we just sensitive to the fact that women’s bodies are still being cruelly and aggressively governed in many parts of the world?

Perhaps the negative reaction was justified seeing as though women all over the world are being oppressed, restricted, manipulated, and unfairly governed by a bunch of old, religious men who think they know best about women’s bodies and women’s lives.

Perhaps we will be free to be a Sexy Handmaiden when women are no longer told when, how, why, and with whom they can have sex; what they can do with their body if they get pregnant; how they should dress; how they should act; and to continuously be afraid of violence and misogyny.

But hey, at least we don’t have a Sexy Handmaiden costume available. That would be THE WORST, right?

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