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Netflix celebrates their new ‘Enola Holmes’ movie in a unique way!

By September 29, 2020Adaptations, News

Netflix’s new movie adaptation of Enola Holmes has been promoted in a very unique way.

As young Enola Holmes is the oft overshadowed sister of the infamous Sherlock and their brother Mycroft, Netflix decided to use their marketing skills to shed light on other women ignored in favour of their brothers.

The film follows Sherlock’s younger, and arguably smarter, sister Enola, as she solves mysteries that left Sherlock himself stumped.

Netflix announced on Twitter  of its plan to erect statues of the sisters of famous men in the U.K. next to existing statues of those men.

“Inspired by Sherlock’s sister ENOLA HOLMES, we installed statues in cities around the UK celebrating the real-life sisters of famous figures whose prestigious achievements have been overshadowed in the history books by their more widely known brothers.” they explained in their post.

The statues include Frances Dickens, Mary Hardy, Princess Helena Victoria, and Maria Anna Mozart, who will all be placed alongside their more famous brothers.
Reactions have been mixed as they usually are with publicity stunts of this type. Many have applauded Netflix for shining a light on the erasure of talented women from a history written by men, while others feel it is perhaps bad taste to compare real women with a fictional character. Others have said that the statues have an oddly defiant pose, which appears create a competition between the siblings for no reason other than to promote a Netflix movie.

As its real purpose is to get the public talking about Enola Holmes, it seems their clever battle of the sexes has worked anyway.

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