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Pride and Prejudice – Thug Notes

By June 18, 2016January 27th, 2018Authors, Video

Pride and Prejudice is a novel that has been read, dissected, put back together, parodied, picked apart and poked more times than most pieces of literature have been and I thought I had seen most of them up until this really rather brilliant Thug Notes Summary and Analysis video as made by YouTube user Wisecrack.

Having watched the video I think Wisecrack have got the story of Elizabeth and Darcy pretty much covered and his analysis is also spot on. I’m not sure how well you’d do in an exam if you decided to present your analysis of Jane Austen’s novel verbatim but if you’re struggling to remember the pertinent points or you just fancy seeing Jane’s book in a new light you could do far worse than this thoroughly entertaining video.

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