Joe Hill’s latest story to be adapted to screen is NOS4A2 (NOS4R2 in the UK)- a creepy, claustrophobic tale of Charles Manx and his Silver Wraith. The supernatural story follows a young woman, Vic McQueen (played by Ashleigh Cummings) who discovers she has the power to find lost things. This discovery puts her in the sights of Charlie Manx (played by Zachary Quinto), a supernatural ‘big bad’ who abducts children in his Rolls Royce Wraith.
Manx is an immortal who feeds off the souls of children, then abandons their remains at Christmasland – a frozen nightmare Christmas village that exists in Manx’s imagination where every day is Christmas Day and unhappiness is outlawed. Manx finds his beloved world is threatened when Vic McQueen discovers she has a dangerous gift that could track down Manx and stop him for good.
In the UK, NOS4A2 is NOS4R2, because the "R" more accurately sounds out NOSFERATU to English ears.
— Joe Hill (@joe_hill) October 22, 2015

Quinto as Manx
Photo credit: AMC
The series will debut in the summer of 2019 on AMC.
The one-hour, ten-episode NOS4A2 are brought to us by author Joe Hill and executive producer and show runner Jami O’Brien (Fear the Walking Dead).
Hill said in a statement: “I couldn’t be more excited about the forthcoming adaptation of NOS4A2. I know it’s in good hands with showrunner Jami O’Brien: Her beautifully composed scripts show a writer at the height of her powers, one who has an exquisite touch with character and a relentless instinct for suspense. AMC’s record speaks for itself: Who wouldn’t want to be in business with the Mad Men who Broke Bad and made The Dead Walk? And Tornante’s dedication to bringing singular visions to TV has freed everyone involved to do their best and truest work. I can’t wait to see Vic McQueen turn the throttle and go after Charlie Manx in 2019. Let’s ride.”

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