Dracula is back!
Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss are best known for their work on the BBC’s Doctor Who and Sherlock respectively. After Moffat’s departure from the Doctor Who team, and Benedict Cumberbatch busily working with the Marvel universe, the two writers have had some time to work on new material.
They’ve chosen to dig up the old story of Dracula by Bram Stoker, and bring it to life in the form of a mini series with the help from the BBC and Netflix.
Set in Victorian Britain, this version will star Claes Bang (The Affair) as the undead hero Dracula: “the vampire who made evil sexy”, alongside Dolly Wells (Doll and Em), John Heffernan (The Crown), and Joanna Scanlan (Notes on a Scandal).
It will hit our screens this year, on the BBC in the UK and on Netflix internationally.
Keep an eye out for the trailer once filming commences!
Claes Bang stars as Dracula
“I am thrilled to be taking on the role of Dracula, especially when the script is in the hands of the incredible talents of Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss and the team responsible for Sherlock,” said Bang. “I’m so excited that I get to dig in to this iconic and super-interesting character. Yes he’s evil, but there’s also so much more to him, he’s charismatic, intelligent, witty and sexy. I realise that there’s a lot to live up to with all the amazing people that have played him over the years, but I feel so privileged, to be taking on this incredible character.”

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