We’re really sorry to all the Harry Potter fans out there (me too!). A couple of days ago we brought you the news that Warner Bros was to release a television show that would have been a prequel to the original Harry Potter books. As a fan I was thrilled and we couldn’t wait to bring you the news, but now the whole story has been debunked as rumour.
A spokesperson from Warner Bros told fansite The Leaky Cauldron that the news that there are plans to develop a television show are entirely conjecture and that there are no plans to bring Harry Potter, or any stories from the Potterverse to the small screen right now.
I guess we’re just going to have to make do with seven original books, eight original films, the Fantastic Beasts spin offs, new spin off books, the two part theatre show, Wizards Unite, and endless merchandise instead.
The original report came from wegotthiscovered.com and stated that the series was in the early phases of development and would be streamed to fans. It was claimed that the series would be a prequel, mostly centred around Europe and Hogwarts School. However, now with the Warner Bros statement it seems the whole thing was just a rumour.
That said, in 2016 there were rumours that ‘Harry Potter Go’ was to launch, a wizarding version of the popular Pokemon Go game. These rumours were soon debunked as untrue by Warner Bros and Niantic but within six months it was announced that there was indeed an AR game similar to Pokemon Go coming, and that game, Wizards Unite launched just last month. With that in mind, we’re just going to say, never say never!

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